Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Any Publicity is Good Publicity

So today, I did a search on Tammy Coombs Photography on Google to see if Tammy Coombs Photography has suggestions on the search box as I’m typing in the name. As I’m doing this, I wonder what comes up on Google about the business and I came upon this link… KCRA 3 A-List… humm… strange… what is this?
So I went on and click it to see what is it? Viola! I'm on Sacramento's KCRA channel 3's city voter. I'm puzzled and confused as to who and how they found me. A wise man told me, "any publicity is good publicity so congrats." It is a strange but happy feeling that I’m out there somewhere recognized by the internet world.

Check it out and tell me what you think.


  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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