Friday, February 5, 2010


It is always bittersweet when a photographer has you photograph him/her. The bitter part is, "Oh *beep*!" Scared and anxious feelings run over me. The thought of, what happens if I don't do well, what happens if he/she doesn't like them. The thoughts goes on and on. However, the sweet part is you know deep down, the only reason why that photographer ask you to photograph him/her is because they respect and enjoy your work. Another artist admiring your art. WOW! What a wonderful feeling that was?!

I met Janet from one of the many workshops I've been to. She truely has a calming effect and a BIG sweet heart. I had so much fun working with her and we shared tips and tricks with each other during the session. It is also great to see the passion Harold and Janet have for each other after many years and 2 children later. I love love love these images! The passion and love just bleeds through the images.


Janet Pliszka February 5, 2010 at 3:07 PM  

eeeekkkkk! Thank you so much Tammy! It's so funny seeing my face up on a blog! I really love them. You did a fabulous job and we will treasure them for generations to come. It was lots of fun and so glad to hear you enjoyed it as well. Now come up to Calgary and I'll return the favour!!!

Harold February 5, 2010 at 7:38 PM  

Thanks for the photos Tammy. It was really nice meeting you. I really need to point out though that we have one boy and one girl and not for girls :-)

Cathy February 7, 2010 at 8:40 AM  

what a HOT couple. San Francisco looks good on you!

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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