Thursday, July 17, 2008

My energy juice

This story goes, my daughter’s pre-school teacher got cancer. And like any cancer patient, she needed to get chemo and all that not so fun stuff. I was talking to her at a birthday party. She was telling me there’s this Mona Vie "wine" (did someone say wine?) that’s been giving her a lot of energy and making her feel good. She said she doesn’t know if it’s in her mind, but it’s been something good she received.

Then a month later, my neighbor invited me over to drink this stuff. Tell you the truth; if I hadn’t talk to my daughter’s pre-school teacher, I would not have gone to this party. And after a few days, I’m HOOKED!!! I wake up every morning without lying in bed dragging to start the workday. This week, I’ve been up and ready to go without having to hit the snooze button. I’m Hooked and sold! Give me more!! I’m not one that drinks red bull or coffee, always running on natural high ;-) But this antioxidant fruit juice is one for me.


jessstephkylesmom July 18, 2008 at 9:34 PM  

LOL! my ex-hubby is a distributor of this stuff, it is not bad. but don't take it at nite!

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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