Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sexy starts at a young age

After the fun bubble bath, my son decided to dress himself while I was folding laundry. He picked out his clothing from the pile and this was what he was running around with for the next 20 mins. I think most of us have seen this look on someone else.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Coffee Table Book

On the way back from leaving Vegas, my new found friend, Jenny, who was very much like me, was telling me this idea of hers of putting together a book for her son's school auction. Her idea was to have them make art pieces and take picture of the art pieces with the child. As she was telling me this, it triggered another idea for me about a coffee table book which will be quotes that they hand written of what they think love is and the next page would be their picture. The book was a HIT needless to day. All the moms melted when they saw the book and even the teacher wanted one. Thank you Jenny for helping me coming up with this great idea!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Due to all the budget cuts, the witty parents came up with ways to still provide a decent education system for our youngsters. In the beginning of the month, my daughter's school had fund raising auction, and the theme was a hoedown. Michael and I were out looking for some cowboy western gear and I think we passed the test of fitting in. I was hoping Monica will show me some country dance moves but no cigar :P Plus we also had to pick the kids up at Grams, so we had to cut it short. All and all I felt great that I was able to help the school raise some money. Woohoo! Go LIONS!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Capturing this moment

Over the weekend, I was super camera happy. I think it s because of all the blossoms around the neighborhood which I don't think I ever paid attention before. The kids were in for a torture. Stand here! Look at me! It’s harder to take good pictures of your kids than someone else’s kid. You all know how it works. They listen better to others than their own parents. *sigh* Never the less, I was able to capture what the kids and my husband of the way they are today.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How to make an ordinary picture, Extraordinary?

I came across these fairy brushes and it is super cool! Instead of buying props like wings, now I can just add them on with post processing. The added bonus is I don’t have to find room to store the props and hope the kids won’t get to them. We all see our little girls as little angels and fairies. A few people came up to me and said, ‘I need to learn Photoshop’. It is a great tool.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I was digging through my archive to make a print for a friend's birthday. As I was going through some old pictures from last year when Aislinn just had her new hair cut and holding her chicken, Olive. She is so lucky to be in a Daycare where she gets to raise a turkey, bunnies and chicken. She watched Olive from being a baby chick slowly turned into a hen. She looked so young. I am glad that I tried to capture every moment of her life.

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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