Friday, November 21, 2008

Friedie and Mary

Can you tell who's who? Oh boy, I have a hard time telling who's who on this shoot. I try to be fair and pick out the same amount of pictures for both of them but I was having such a hard time. Some of the pictures I'm not sure, but good thing they both have a little uniqueness to them for me to tell them apart. Oh boy, you don't know how hard I have to study the pictures to be sure :)

Again, it was a delight to see the girls. They totally melt my heart! They are the sweetest thing and every time I am done with the session with them, they make me feel warm and fussy inside because they give the best hugs! This time, their grandparents join us and it was fun to be able to snap a few pictures with them as well.


Jenny Lee Photography November 26, 2008 at 6:28 PM  

wow, they do look identical. cute kids and cute shots. Danville?

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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