Monday, October 6, 2008

Declan’s Weekend with Duke

Declan was very excited about Duke going home with him. Declan kept on saying he loves him and that “He (Duke) is happy” because of the smile that’s on Duke’s face.

When Duke got home, Delcan ate ice-cream cake with his sister and Duke by his side. He really wants to feed Duke but his mommy told him that will get Duke dirty.
After the ice-cream cake, Declan decided that Duke’s clothes need to be washed, since it was the end of the day and they do seem a little dirty.
Declan also put his clothes in the wash.

Here’s Declan having many faces and expressions, enjoying Duke as his company whiles the clothes were washing. Declan gave Duke many kisses and he really enjoys him very much. Telling his mommy how much he loves Duke and he is going to make him a house.
(See picture from previous blog)
The clothes are all clean! Declan dressed Duke up and it’s time for bed.

The next day, Declan took Duke to Peet’s with him. Since Duke didn’t have a car seat, Declan kept Duke close to him so Duke will be safe.
It was fun enjoying hot coco with Duke. The barista also gave Duke his own cup.

Over the weekend, Declan saw a sweater at Michael’s and decided to get the sweater for Duke. It was a Halloween sweater, Declan decided to dress up and have his last picture with him.

Bye-bye Duke... You were a lot of fun to be with.


  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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