Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Inspired from the stall

Rush, rush, hurry, hurry is probably my model in life and not sure if I’m proud of it. Growing up with a father who is always in a hurry and expects everyone around to keep up at his pace has surely shaped the way I am.

Now having my own children, they often point out stuff that I didn't notice. That’s what I love about photography, to find moments or angles that we often overlook because we get to caught up in our lives.

This is at the bathroom of Aislinn’s Chinese school. As I was coming out of the stall (okay… too much information), I noticed Declan in the reflection in the mirror. Who says I don’t take my camera everywhere? :P

Monday, September 15, 2008

My dinosaur, RIP *Sniff*

How come my parent’s electronics still work from the 70’s and my ipod died after 4 years? I'm guessing it's because they hardly use it and they cover everything from top to bottom in saran wrap. hahaha

Thursday, September 11, 2008


My trick to get the kids laughing is act like you got hurt for whatever they were doing to you. For some reason, they LOVE it. LOL! It seems a little strange but they always come back for more.

Here are Adam and Alison, they are Sandra's children who were referred to me. At first, they were a little shy, had their little moments, but here is my favorite series of the pictures from the session. I just love the way they act when they are enjoying themselves.

Here's Alison after she just got done crying. (I love crying pictures, yes, I'm a little mental :P )

Big brother is giving little sister a hug to make her feel better.

Still didn't really do it... Alison is still sad.

Now here's where I get hurt. The super dry branch on the ground did the trick.

Smile kids, it's picture time!! GRRR!! This is the usual reaction of the parents, but who blames them. I know how those parents feel as my kids do the same. But this is what's great about kids. I really enjoy them. Love them at this age. Can't get them to behave for the life of the parent, but yet, it's such a joy to capture their personalities.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Great Props and Great Girl

I'm fortunate to have a friend who has a great big backyard with various animals like chickens and rabbits and is also a great back drop for photo sessions.

Below is Marissa. Her playfulness, goofiness (is that a word?) and love for her mom came through and made this session very enjoyable. I hope through this photos you can see what I was feeling.

Friday, September 5, 2008

More Christmas card samples

I am pretty excited that the Willits are the first ones getting ready for the Christmas holiday. I am also very excited that I figured out how to do the watermark for my logo. Photoshop is so cool!!

Here are some of the samples I provided them. Hope this will slowly get you thinking that the Holiday season is just around the corner!

Update on the mini sessions: I have decided to move up the date to October 12th so we can have the sessions on the beach, @ Santa Cruz Natural Bridges. Maximum 4 families (5 max person per session).

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Details to death and LOVED IT!!

This past weekend's wedding had the most amount of detail of probably any wedding I've ever photographed. The level of detail was nuts and yet very creative at the same time; not mentioning beautiful. They even have carried that same level of detail into the restrooms. The colors were tiffany blue and chocolate brown; can you think of how many things you can come up with on that combo? Lisa and Richardo, the wedding planners, did!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Hot Air Balloons

I've never seen hot air balloons so up close before; you need to wake up the crack of dawn to catch all the action as the owners of these balloons are pulling them out of their trailers and prepping them for launch. Despite the fact that it was half past 5am our kids weren’t complaining about it and were happy to be there. We met our neighbor there and they were even more thrilled. Since this was my first time to an event like this, of course I had to bust out my camera. There were many, many enthusiasts there, not deterred by waking up in the dark to catch the action.

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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