Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I am no smarty pants who just one day decided to pick up the camera and start clicking away and voila! Out come some pretty awesome looking images. I think with some luck, I was able to create a few good images. However, I am a big believer in educating myself to be consistent and not to depend on luck.

Earlier this month I took a workshop with Mark Robert Halper. The guy is a genius. And with tough love, I walked away learning so much. A couple of the students were repeaters who went back for the second time for more torture. I might turn out to be one of them in the later years, but he is that good. I will definitely put what I learned into use and just practice, practice, practice.

Since this is a photography workshop for publishing we have to know what's the purpose of the job before taking the pictures.

Purpose: Clay's 23 year old daughter started working and would like protrait photos done for her desk.

Purpose: Vineyard owner for a wine magazine.

Purpose: Girl skateboarding clothing designer


Anonymous March 19, 2008 at 7:54 PM  

I love your pictures, good blog!

  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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