Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Krista and I go way back. I remember those crazy parties we were at during the pre-kids days. Now, it's a different story, and it's all good. Krista is looking for a picture for her baby announcement. I am so honored. Now a picture of mine will be on an announcement for her family and friends.

The weather was crazy that day. One moment we are getting great lighting inside the house, and the next, it was pretty dim. But that didn't damper the kids’ mood. They were running wild like their usual selves and take a break for some milk and cookies.

Brooks is a fan of shoes. I like him already ;-) Plus with that fun personality, who won't.

This is a picture I attempted to do after seeing a couple of them on the web. It was harder than I thought. Not easy to get the kids participate.


  © Tammy Coombs Photography

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